This post is a quick reminder of the effect that tiny process changes can have on your business' performance.
Many people are dismissive of tiny changes taking place in their business,
My new book What Does Good Look Like? has just been released on Amazon.
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The book is ideal for anyone that is fed up with
Are the right performance measures driving your business?
Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs) is a commonly used term in business. Many businesses have KPIs and use them to report on how
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are amazing. They can coordinate your entire manufacturing operation, helping you to increase performance and profits. They can also drive you to distraction when they
Do your schedules help you to deliver on time?
The effectiveness of a production schedule has a massive effect on a business' ability to deliver its products and services on time.
If you have been following any of the business improvement methods over the last ten to fifteen years then you will have no doubt seen the term 'lean' being used.
The way each process is managed in your business has a direct impact upon the overall lead time. If things are taking too long it is often not the individual
Over time the scope of a job can increase. Unfortunately, this often means that the original required standard is not met. By refocusing jobs based on their purpose their speed,
Are poor deliveries to your customer costing your business too much?
OTIF, or On Time In Full, is a simple way to measure your business' ability to keep its promises. There
Define the habits that improve your workplace and then run like clockwork
Discipline in the workplace aids performance. We all know how disciplined Olympic athletes are. They don't neglect the little