Do you ever watch your OTIF improvements going backwards?
It can be disappointing to watch and it usually hurts your OTIF performance. I'm sure that you, like the rest of us,
Have you seen the term OTIF and wondered what it means?
In short, OTIF stands for On Time In Full.
Okay, so that was pretty straightforward.
So, why would people choose OTIF over
Having a routine is a great way to consistently achieve high levels of OTIF (without blood, sweat and tears!).
However, life tends to get in the way of executing your routine.
When we start out on our OTIF (On Time In Full) improvement journeys, where we are is obvious; we're at the start. Then we make some changes to our processes,
Most businesses have pretty well developed business processes.
It is clear where they start, where they end and they give a good idea of what happens in the middle.
Many of them
How many times have you asked for an improvement to be undertaken by your team and wondered "what on Earth happened?", when you saw the result?
It's happened to every manager
At this time of year many businesses are reviewing and revising their improvement plans and business objectives. It is a natural time of year to do this and for many
The reasons KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) work so well is that they can provide you with a focus for improvement. If you have more than 7 KPIs, however, you probably
There are a few ways to deliver your projects, products or services on time.
Poorly, raising the risk of customer dissatisfaction.Moderately, but not differentiating yourself from the pack.Well, but at huge