There are lots of approaches that can help us to improve our delivery performance. One effective approach is asking specific questions.
Here are two that you can use, to start debate within your organisation. Ask them in the context of improving on time delivery performance:
1. What don’t we do, that we should be doing?
This could range from quick decision making, flexing resource levels to holding routine meetings.
Make a list of the things that you don’t do that you think would improve delivery performance. Many of the items won’t be ground breaking. Many of the items will be things that have slipped, that you have done before.
For many organisations, this is about reintroducing forgotten habits.
What do we do, that we shouldn’t be doing?
This could include over-complicated business processes. Or, excessive paperwork, long meetings, not talking to staff etc…
This question is about you getting out of your own way.
Again, make a list; your gripes will quickly come to the surface.
Take your lists, prioritise the actions as you see fit. If you don’t have a preference over how you prioritise the opportunities, keep this in mind:
Quick to deploy, cheap to put in place, game changers should be near the top!
Take a pad of paper, and a few minutes, to answer these questions.
See if you can come up with a quick, effective, plan to improve your on time delivery performance.

Develop better habits for your business
My latest book is available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle format.
It focuses on creating an effective routine for your business that will, over time, translate into embedded habits.
To get your copy, head over to Amazon.